Sunday, April 27, 2014


For 23 years I have not tried a Jelly Donut. I've always like the glazed ones, so I stuck to them. I don't like trying something new if that's all i'm having for dinner or something because then I wouldn't have anything else to eat. Yes I like food. So this past Sunday morning (yes the day before this assignment was due - way too much going on with school..part of college) I tried a Jelly donut. At first I was hesitant because I thought it would taste like strawberries for some reason (another type of food I don't like), so I stuck my tongue out at it to get a little taste of it. To much surprise, I didn't turn it away the second time. I ate the donut, not really paying attention to my other senses because I was concentrating on the taste aspect. Lets just say.. if I was offered a jelly donut to eat and it was the only thing available, i'd eat it. 

So the creative part of this assignment, I created an illustrated flow chart kinda of how a donut gets made in the store and finishes its journey in your stomach. 

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